Juvenile Transfer Evaluation
When juveniles (<18 years of age) commit serious criminal offenses, prosecutors will sometimes request that juvenile’s case to be transferred to adult court so they may be charged/convicted accordingly. A thorough evaluation is required to assist the courts in determining a juvenile’s appropriateness to be tried as an adult. These evaluations consist of clinical interviews with the juvenile and guardian, evidence-based intellectual, academic, personality, and criminogenic testing, and review of collateral information (often including school, medical, and mental health records as available). A final report including this information attempts to answer several psycho-legal questions that pertain to trying a juvenile as an adult. For example, the emotional, mental, and intellectual maturity of the juvenile, their prior criminal history, efforts to rehabilitate, and whether the youth is likely to receive necessary interventions in the juvenile or adult system are addressed. A final report will provide evidence-based opinions on these questions to assist the court in determining the appropriateness of transferring the juvenile to the adult system.